
Dear Bindlestiff family, friends, and supporters,
Join us in a global generosity movement to address this global crisis. #GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of unity and giving. But whether you donate today or at some point in the future, whether you donate your time, money, or goods, please let this spirit of unity carry us through this struggle. The only way we can get through this is together.
Since the start of the shelter-in-place order, Bindlestiff has sought to do as much as we can within our capacity to help our community face this crisis: we donated all of our available cleaning/hygiene supplies (toilet paper, disinfectant wipes, paper towels, disposable gloves, masks, etc.) to United Playaz, who along with West Bay and Bayanihan Equity Center, distributed them to vulnerable members of the SOMA community. We've donated over $3K to various SOMA-based service orgs, and our online workshops have raised nearly $5k for artists in our community. We have pledged $1K to Arkipelago to purchase books, puzzles, and learning material for seniors to help them cope with the social isolation that comes with sheltering in place. And everyday we are exploring how we as an arts organization can pivot to best serve our community. If you'd like to support our ongoing efforts, you can make a tax-deductible donation at https://www.bindlestiffstudio.org/donate or via Venmo (@Bindle-Stiff).
We also want to lift up the amazing work that so many in our community are doing to address the growing need stemming from this pandemic. We have been so inspired by their dedication - often risking their own safety to help others. They also need donations in order to continue their work, and we hope you can offer them support:

Bayanihan Equity Center
Weekly Food Bank for Seniors and Families
Donate: https://donorbox.org/bec
Deliveries of Food/Supplies,Weekly Food Bank for Seniors and Families
Venmo: @Carla-WestBay
PayPal: carla@westbaycentersf.org

Kultivate Labs
Filipinos Feed The Frontlines
Support for Local Restaurants to Feed Families in SOMA and Frontline Workers
Donate: https://www.kultivatelabs.com/frontlines#donation

Food Distribution, Tenant/Worker Support
Donate: https://www.somcan.org/donate-1

United Playaz
Deliveries of Food/Supplies,Weekly Food Bank for Seniors and Families
Donate: https://www.networkforgood.org/donation/ExpressDonation.aspx?ORGID2=%2020-5005815&vlrStratCode=DdDTlsncP0ln7G2i2ZLiCLL7Z8xwCKGBIEQwNo7E0nnpS1JXP2NFcIeMtqGVLED4
Many in our community cannot venture out, nor do they have the resources to purchase important supplies for sheltering in place. There is an acute need for the following:
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Concentrated Disinfectant Solutions (70% Alcohol, Bleach, Hydrogen Peroxide, etc.)
- Toilet Paper
- Paper Towels
- Latex/Nitrile Gloves
- Masks (Non-medical, surgical, N95)
- Word puzzles, crosswords, sudoku, colored pencils, coloring books, reading materials
- Non-perishable goods (especially rice, dried noodles, crackers, spaghetti sauce, tuna, sardines, corned beef, fruit cocktail, etc.)
If you would like to donate any of these items, please ship them to:
United Playaz
c/o Rudy Corpuz
1038 Howard St
San Francisco, CA 94103
You can also drop off donations at the above address during the hours of
12pm-5pm, Monday - Friday
Call Rudy 415-716-4100 to confirm drop-off time.
Volunteers needed to help prepare grocery bags and deliver them to recipients. Please contact each respective org above to offer your time.
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